Expanding Hep B Screening Among Asian Populations in San Diego County
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Expanding Hep B Screening Among Asian Populations in San Diego County

Asian Pacific Health Foundation collaborates with UCSD to screen at-risk individuals in San Diego County for hepatitis B. Cost-effective point-of-care testing expands pharmacist screening activities in pharmacies, optimizing linkage-to-care.

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) which can manifest as an acute illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness. Transmission occurs through exposure with blood, semen, or other body fluids from

infected persons. This can occur through 1) sexual transmission 2) infected mother passed to baby at time of birth, and 3) injection drug use. Vaccinations are the most effective method of prevention, thus Global and US Vaccination programs for newborn and infants have increased coverage for children and adolescents. However, these newly implemented programs leave many foreign-born persons, who did not benefit from these programs at home, infected prior to coming to the US. Early testing and detection of HBV infection provides the best opportunity for prevention and therapy…….

