Yellow Warriors Society Philippines Petitions to Prohibit Pre-Employment Screening
To all advocates:
We’ve started the petition “Senator Pia S. Cayetano: It is time to pass a law prohibiting screening of Hepatitis B & C during pre-employment whether voluntary or compulsary except in some positions wherein transmission is possible.” and need your help to get it off the ground.
Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here’s the link:
Here’s why it’s important:
Almost ten percent of the Philippine population are infected with hepatitis. That is approximately some 7.3 million are chronically infected with Hepatitis B and 2.3 percent or one million Filipinos may be infected with Hepatitis C virus.
Why do we need to prohibit them from working even if they are capable of landing a decent a job when Hepatitis B & C can only be transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids. This can occur through:
- direct blood-to-blood contact
- unprotected sex
- unsterile needles
- from an infected woman to her newborn during the delivery process.
What we need is awareness, proper guidance and a law so as not to deprive these carriers of earning their living and also to protect their rights. In our country majority of the carriers got their Hepatitits because of mother to child transmission. They did not want this problem and it just so happens that this was passed to them unknowingly. We don’t need to fear the spread of Hepatitis B because there is already a vaccine available in which we will be protected for life. While we don’t have vaccine for Hepatitis C, there are treatement options available wherein the virus remains clear on your blood.
“Let us give these carriers equal opportunity.”
-Yellow Warriors Society Philippines -