Anti-HBc: state of the art what is the CORE of the issues?
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Anti-HBc: state of the art what is the CORE of the issues?


“HBV is curable”  (“functional cure” is an oxymoron) naturally or using current therapies

“You should boost anti-HBs in an isolated anti-HBc (+) patient with vaccine for “protection”

There is a “natural immunity” to HBV (anti-HBc {+} and anti-HBs{+})  (CDC website accessed 2017) (another oxymoron)

“One does not need to test anti-HBc in specific patient populations” (CDC website accessed 2017)

Anti-HBc (+) (HBsAg(-)) patients are often referred to GI/ID/Liver providers for HBV “treatment”

Resolved HBV ≠ Sterilizing cure

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