Treatment of Hepatitis Delta with pegIFN-alfa
Telemedicine Consult - Dr. Gish
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Treatment of Hepatitis Delta with pegIFN-alfa

Treatment of Hepatitis Delta withpegIFN-alfa **

• What is the optimal dose and duration of treatment with pegIFN-alfa for chronic Hepatitis Delta infection?
• How do we define response to treatment?
• Is there a clinical benefit to IFN treatment ?
• What is the role of viral kinetics (qHDV RNA, quantitative HBsAg) (if any) during IFN-based therapy of hepatitis Delta?
• Do we need response guided therapy ?
• What should be the ideal endpoint in HDV treatment trials? Are we using the right endpoints?
   – Is a 2 log reduction in HDV RNA and normalization of ALT sufficient ?
• Is there an HDV “Cure” ?
• Is there a role for Nucs in HDV therapy ?

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